BE PREPARED is the Scout Motto, tried and true. As Scouts, as members of Troop 76, as good citizens, as family members, and as friends; not only should we aim to BE PREPARED for whatever life may throw our way; we should also strive, at all times, to BE BETTER and to DO BETTER.
Being better is personal, it is an internal review of our character and resolve. We should always strive to BE BETTER than the person we were the day, the hour, even the minute before. At times we make bad choices or simply fall short of doing our best. But it’s okay, because failure is incredibly common and as human beings we are wonderfully imperfect creatures. In order for us to be the best that we can be, we must learn from our mistakes, viewing our shortcomings as opportunities for growth.
If we look at BE BETTER as our goal, DO BETTER is the way in which we accomplish that ultimate goal. Doing better is the way that the things we do each day and in every interaction with others effect the way we’re seen by others. It means that whenever we do something we should aim higher than whatever mark or target it is we think we can reach. If we aim higher, if we shoot for the moon and fall short, we’ve still accomplished something incredible and surely left a good and proper impression of ourselves.
To that end; we in Troop 76, as Scouts and Scouters, subscribe to a straight forward mission statement:
We will honor the Scout Oath.
We will follow the Scout Law.
We will hold high the Scout Motto.
We will strive to BE BETTER.
We will aim to DO BETTER.
This is our mission.
We are Troop 76.
Being better is personal, it is an internal review of our character and resolve. We should always strive to BE BETTER than the person we were the day, the hour, even the minute before. At times we make bad choices or simply fall short of doing our best. But it’s okay, because failure is incredibly common and as human beings we are wonderfully imperfect creatures. In order for us to be the best that we can be, we must learn from our mistakes, viewing our shortcomings as opportunities for growth.
If we look at BE BETTER as our goal, DO BETTER is the way in which we accomplish that ultimate goal. Doing better is the way that the things we do each day and in every interaction with others effect the way we’re seen by others. It means that whenever we do something we should aim higher than whatever mark or target it is we think we can reach. If we aim higher, if we shoot for the moon and fall short, we’ve still accomplished something incredible and surely left a good and proper impression of ourselves.
To that end; we in Troop 76, as Scouts and Scouters, subscribe to a straight forward mission statement:
We will honor the Scout Oath.
We will follow the Scout Law.
We will hold high the Scout Motto.
We will strive to BE BETTER.
We will aim to DO BETTER.
This is our mission.
We are Troop 76.